This guide is meant to serve as a quick start guide for hacking blockchain-based technology such as smart contracts. Follow the steps below to get set up with some of the main tools for interacting with Ethereum, smart contracts, and various tools to assist in vulnerability discovery.

1. Linux VM

2. Ganache

3. Metamask

4. Remix IDE

5. Truffle

6. Deploy a Smart Contract

7. Vulnerability Scan a Smart Contract

Getting Started in Blockchain Security and Smart Contract Auditing Webcast

Watch the video below to get a crash course into why blockchain security is important, and gain an understanding of some of the key problem areas with smart contracts. This webcast walks through various case studies of smart contract hacks, introduces smart contract vulnerabilities, and provides resources to start hacking.


Getting Started in Blockchain Security and Smart Contract Auditing

2021 - Created by Beau Bullock (@dafthack) from Black Hills Information Security
