Remix IDE is a great option for quickly jumping into writing, analyzing, compiling, and deploying smart contracts.

  1. Remix is web-based. You can navigate to it here:

Remix - Ethereum IDE

The "File Explorer" tab has some example Solidity files, but you can also import your own here.


On the "Solidity compiler" tab you can compile Solidity and debug any errors.

<aside> 💡 Enable "Solidity Static Analysis" plugin in Remix to get some generic security checks on the "Plugin Manager" tab


On the "Deploy" tab you can select an environment of "Injected Web3" to connect Remix to Metamask and ultimately to Ganache.


This is just one way to edit, compile and deploy smart contracts. The next setup step has us working with Truffle, which is another tool for performing similar actions.

Once this step has been completed click here to move on to the next step: 5. Truffle

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